
The Great Commission is a core value of Mountainside. God has called us to make disciples, who make disciples, who make disciplesWe believe that we must strive to multiply ourselves locally and that through effective partnerships, we can be part of an exponential eternal impact worldwide. 

Missionary partnerships

We are honored to partner with the following missionaries, joining in God's work around the world. 

If you wish to financially support this work, you may give through the Missions Fund - specific designations can be noted on your gift.   

  • adam & julie cook

    Czech Republic

    Serving with Word of Life

    Mountainside Partners since 2019

    email: adamcook@wol.org

    Ellie, Tyler, and Sam

  • dave & Mary-Ann cox


    Serving with Word of Life

    Mountainside Partners since 1966

    email: davemaryanncox@gmail.com

  • jeff & Deanne Davoll


    Serving with ABWE

    Mountainside Partners since 2007

    email: davollfamily@abwe.cc

  • leon & Lorraine dillinger

    Papua, Indonesia

    Serving with Crossworld

    Mountainside Partners since 1968

    email: Leon.dillinger@crossworld.org

  • Russ & tammy East

    Utah, USA

    Serving with Utah Partnerships for Christ

    Mountainside Partners since 2008

    email: Russ@upfc.org

  • sam & sherry frey


    Serving with Word of Life

    Mountainside Partners since 1984

    email: samf@wol.org

  • isaac & leah kaufman

    Southeast Asia Mainland

    Mountainside Partners since 2018

    email: isaac.leah.1393@gmail.com

  • david & Kristy kelly

    Quebec, Canada

    Serving with Word of Life

    Mountainside Partners since 2008

    email: davidk@paroledevie.ca

    Elias, Maddison, Eden, Evelyn

  • Dave & Carol-sue merkh


    Serving with Word of Life

    Mountainside Partners since 1986

    email: pr_dmerkh@piba.org.br

  • Mike & Alicia Nicholes

    Indo-Pacific Region

    Serving with Word of Life

    Mountainside Partners since 1992

    email: mnicholes@wol.org

    Michaela, Charis, Josiah, Titus

  • Paul & tatianne o'Bradovic


    Serving with Word of Life

    Mountainside Partners since 2019

    email: paulobradovic@wol.org

    Liana, Ciera

  • John & christy page

    Southern Africa

    Serving with Word of Life

    Mountainside Partners since 2005

    email: johnp@wol.org

  • doug & sue reider

    Ontario, Canada

    Serving with Word of Life

    Mountainside Partners since 1993

    email: Reider@wol.ca

  • Shaju and julie simon


    Serving with Partners in Evangelism, Int.

    Mountainside Partners since 1973

    email: saxandjul@yahoo.com

    Joshua, Abby

  • lynell smith


    Serving with ABWE

    Mountainside Partner since 1992

    email: lynells@abwe.cc

  • Chris & beth Steiner

    Serving with Word of Life

    Mountainside Partners since 2004

    email: chrissteiner@wol.org

    Jonathan, Nathan, Kaitlyn

  • steve & Marissol theis


    Serving with SCORE International

    Mountainside Partners since 1987

    email: stevetheisbra@gmail.com

  • peter & betty verkaik

    Canada and Africa

    Serving with Word of Life

    Mountainside Partners since 2000

    email: peterv@wol.org

  • terry & beth wisser


    Serving with Word of Life

    Mountainside Partners since 2016



the Timothy initiative

The Timothy Initiative (TTI) is a church planting organization working to make disciples among Unreached People Groups in the world. (Learn more here). Having developed a relationship with Dr. David Nelms, TTI founder and president, over the past 6 years Mountainside's partnership with TTI has steadily grown. 

As of June 2023, our Mountainside family has given more than $73, 500 as part of TTI's Pentecost Sunday church-planting challenge over the past 3 years. God's provision through the faithful giving of His people has supplied for 202 new churches to be planted among Unreached People Groups. 

We are so thankful to partner with TTI in fulfilling the Great Commission by truly making disciples of all nations.